The Kms.exe (Key Management Server) file is a file called Windows 8.1 Activator which belongs to a tool that activates Windows with illegal methods. As with many crack, activator, patch, it is possible to place trojans or viruses in such software. It should not be forgotten, files such as kms.exe, cracked software that works with illegal methods, always have the possibility of containing viruses or trojans. Before proceeding to such a transaction, you should be aware of the risks brought by the crack or patch process and accept the problems that may arise from the beginning.
KMS.exe “is a complex server and client storage backup management system component that is the” Key Management Server “to control Micro Focus Data Protector software’s encryption and decryption of data that includes drive-based encryption. Micro Focus, Hewlett-Packard Enterprise (HPE) However, “KMS” uses licensed copies of Microsoft Office with pirated volumes, especially in a sub-path such as “C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ Activator_Office_14”. Microsoft’s volume licensing reduces the costs of providing Windows and Office to businesses and universities. The customer is given a KMS activation key. An administrator installs this key and multiple host license files on a computer or server, and client copies send activation requests to this KMS host. Emulators block and “meet” these requests when there is no legitimate KMS Server to receive these requests.
KMS.exe File Information
The process known as the KMS Server Emulator Service appears to belong to the KMS Server Service by My Digital Life Forums or Microsoft software. KMS.exe is not required for Windows and often causes problems. The KMS.exe file is located in the C “: \ Windows subfolder or sometimes in the” C: \ Windows \ System32 “folder. Known file sizes in Windows 10/8/7 / XP are 64,000 bytes (43% of all events), 32,256 bytes and 5. The process is an invisible service (KMS) .KMS.exe is an unknown file in the Windows folder. The program does not appear. The file is not a Windows core file.

Supplier and version information
The current information about KMS.exe is as follows:
Company name mephistooo2 –
File description KMS Activation v4.7.6
Legal copyright mephistooo2 –
File version 4.7.6.
Screenshot of file properties when viewed by Windows Explorer:

VirusTotal Report
21 of 57 antivirus programs in VirusTotal have detected the KMS.exe file. This is a 37% detection rate.