26th July 2024
Downloading Centrify PAM Agent from "https://support.delinea.com"

Downloading Centrify PAM Agent from “support.delinea.com”

In this article, I will explain how to download Centrify PAM Agent. First of all, you have to log in to the “support.delinea.com” site with the user given to you. Then you can follow the steps below.

Downloading Linux Centrify PAM Agent

When we go to the “https://support.delinea.com” site, we will download the Linux agent. To do this, we click on the “Downloads\Centrify Downloads” tab on the page.

Downloads\Centrify Downloads
Downloads\Centrify Downloads


In the search section, for example, if we want to download Centos agent, we enter “Centos” and search. We will download the second agent below. The first one is related to the physical server processor. We can understand it because it says “aarch64“. This agent supports operating systems “Amazon Linux, CentOS, Oracle Linux, RedHat Enterprise Linux, RedHat Fedora Linux, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux“.

Download Pam Centos agent
Download Pam Centos agent


Again, for example, if we want to download Ubuntu agent, we enter “ubuntu” and search. We will download the first agent below. This agent supports “Debian, Ubuntu Linux” operating systems.

Download Pam Ubuntu Agent
Download Pam Ubuntu Agent


Downloading Windows Centrify PAM Agent

Again, for example, if we want to download a Windows agent, we enter “windows” and search. We will download the second agent below. This agent supports “Windows” operating systems.

Download Pam Windows Agent
Download Pam Windows Agent




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