8th February 2025

What is Tracert/Traceroute? Example with Tracert/Traceroute Commands1

Tracert/Traceroute is a query command. Indicates the stops on the way to the destination. It helps in finding the source of the error during packet transfer. “Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)” and Ip time-to-live (TTL)values ​​are used when Tracert/Traceroute does this. Tracert initially sets the TTL value to 1. Finds the closest router to it. When it finds the router, it increases the TTL value and starts to find the second router. To be sure, it sends an average of 3 messages to each station. To use the tracert command on Windows, type cmd in the Run window from the Start menu. Open the command line.

In the window that opens, we will see, for example, which hop points are passed to access Google. We start using it as in the example below.

tracert www.google.com


Commands by Operating Systems

You can see the commands according to the operating systems below.

Windows: tracert <IP address>
Linux/UNIX: traceroute <IP address>
Macintosh: traceroute <IP address>

The most frequently used parameters

You can find the most frequently used parameters below.

-d: -> Returns results without computer resolution of IP addresses.
-j: -> Specifies the non-essential source path in the host list.
-h: -> Specifies the maximum number of hops to use when searching for a destination.
-w: -> Waits for a timeout value, specified in milliseconds, for each response.

tracert –help” Command

You can get information about tracert with the “tracert –help” command in Windows operating system as follows.

tracert --help
tracert –help


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traceroute –help” and “man traceroute” Commands

In Linux and Macintosh operating systems, you can get information about traceroute with the “traceroute –help” and “man traceroute” commands as follows.

traceroute --help
traceroute –help


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